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St. Romanus of Condat

Saint Romanus of Condat

Abbot & Confessor

Romanus, or Roman, was born in the late fourth century in Eastern France, near Switzerland. At the age of thirty-five he left his family and joined a monastery in Lyons. Soon he desired greater solitude, and returned east to a place called Condat, near the modern town of Saint-Claude. Here he lived as a hermit for some time, before his brother St. Lupicinus sought him out and joined him with a few companions. Word spread of the two saintly brothers and the miracles they worked, and soon many more faithful, including the seven-year-old St. Eugendus, arrived to be educated or become monks themselves. Romanus and Lupicinus founded Condat Abbey, according to the methods of the Desert Fathers, and soon established a convent for women and a second monastery, later named after St. Romanus. In the year of Our Lord 444 Romanus was ordained a priest, and he and his brother governed the communities together until Romanus died, around the year 460, and was buried at the nunnery. St. Lupicinus lived some two decades longer, and is honored on March 21st. Romanus is celebrated on February 28th; in the traditional calendar the feasts of the 28th are moved to the 29th in leap years.


Traditional Roman Martyrology for February 28th (Read on the 29th in Leap Years)

AT Rome, the birthday of the holy martyrs Macarius, Rufinus, Justus, and Theophilus.

At Alexandria, the passion of the Saints Caerealis, Pupulus, Caius, and Serapion.

In the same city, in the reign of the emperor Valerian, the commemoration of the holy priests, deacons, and other Christians in great number, who encountered death most willingly by nursing the victims of a most deadly pestilence then raging. They have been generally revered as martyrs by the pious faithful.

In the territory of Lyons, on Mount Jura, the demise of St. Romanus, abbot, who was the first to lead the eremitical life there. His reputation for virtues and miracles brought under his guidance numerous monks.

At Pavia, the translation, from the island of Sardinia, of the body of St. Augustine, bishop, by Luitprand, king of the Lombards.

℣. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.

℟. Thanks be to God.

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